Do you wish you could stop feeling so dang nervous before your presentations?


Learn how to manage your nerves and give presentations with confidence and calm...even if you’re certain you'll never feel comfortable in front of an audience!


Dive into the biology, chemistry, and psychology behind stage fright, and learn actionable strategies to positively channel your energy. Step into your full speaking potential and connect authentically with your audience!

First of all, there is nothing wrong with you.


Your nerves are completely normal. Even the most experienced speakers still get nervous before presentations (just like elite athletes still get nervous before the Olympics!).


Now that we have THAT out of the way!


Public speaking nerves have their roots in biology, chemistry and psychology, meaning that every human being has good reason for being nervous about speaking. It’s not even practical to try to completely eliminate nerves, and in this training, I’ll explain why!


In this program:

🌟You’ll learn how to channel your nervousness into enthusiasm and focus, and use that anxious energy in a way that actually enhances your presentation, instead of derailing it.


🌟You’ll understand the biology and chemistry of why we feel stage fright and how to manage it, and you’ll be able to approach public speaking with actionable techniques to keep those nerves in check.


🌟Finally, this isn’t a one-and-done program. You'll gain enduring strategies and a new outlook that will not only help you in your next presentation but will also empower you in all future public-speaking endeavors. Say goodbye to debilitating nerves and hello to confident, calm communication!


I’ll be honest: I’ve never been taken down by nerves.

But even as someone who started performing in plays and competing in speech tournaments in my teens, I still get nervous before presentations! And the higher stakes the presentation, the more nervous I get!


But I’ve been using these resources and tools for over 30 years now, so I can truly say they work. 


Hi! I'm Lisa Braithwaite and here's a bit of my story:

In 1992, I was hired as the Children’s Program Coordinator for a domestic violence shelter. I had a picture in my mind of what this job was going to look like but what I didn’t realize – and was never told until after I was hired – was that part of my job required me to go to high school classrooms and talk about healthy and abusive teen relationships.


Talk about trial by fire.


I had been working with young kids for several years, but I was terrified of teenagers. Why would they listen to me? 


I wasn’t cool and I wasn’t talking about something they wanted to learn. 


I expected them to act rude, bored, and mean. 


But it was my job, so I dutifully picked up the one-page presentation that someone else had written, and started going to high schools.


I very soon learned this: Speaking to teenagers is the best training any speaker could ever get, and I highly recommend it! 


They’re not afraid to challenge you. They also let you know when they're bored, tired, angry, excited or interested (well, mostly they're too cool to act interested). 


I also realized that my mindset made all the difference in how they responded to me. I realized that if I approached them as the adversary, then they would treat me as the adversary.


So instead, I changed my attitude, and ended up falling in love with something that had seemed so intimidating and difficult at first. 


In this program, I will be sharing with you some of what I learned and the tools I've been using for 30+ years now as a speaker and trainer!



Here's what There Is No Lion: Your Guide to Presenting with Confidence and Calm will cover:

Stage fright science: 

Learn the biology and chemistry behind nervousness and how to hack your own system

Mindset makeover: 

Shift from anxiety to anticipation and intention

Human connection: 

Discover the art of engaging with your audience as a tool to manage nerves

Practical tools: 

Get hands-on strategies to manage adrenaline and anticipatory stress before and during your talk

Nerves to action: 

Turn your anxiety into a catalyst for delivering impactful and memorable presentations

"I was able to use some of your points today for a brief presentation I did. I definitely implemented your tips and felt more comfortable while talking. 

Although I was still anxious and nervous, I kept reminding myself that it's okay to be nervous and that if I make mistakes or stumble, it's not the worst thing that can happen, as that tends to be my downfall. 

I could stay on topic without jumping around, wasn't talking too fast, didn't stumble on words as much, or went blank on my train of thought. Thank you for providing this workshop. It's been one of the most valuable lessons on public speaking that I've attended."

Vanessa Perez, Camarillo Library


This program is for you if:



😰You avoid public speaking due to anxiety or nerves, but you know you need to be putting yourself out there


😰When you do give a presentation, your nervousness holds you back from delivering your message effectively and authentically


😰You're a business leader needing to inspire your team, a nonprofit director advocating for change, or an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business… and you’re eager to turn that nervousness into a powerful energy and a force for good!


It may not be right for you if:


🤷🏻You don’t get nervous before you speak


🤷🏻You’re not open to new strategies


🤷🏻You’re content to keep avoiding speaking


Here's what's included!

Mockup of the course items

✅A recording of the 72-minute live workshop


✅Worksheets to work through and apply what we've discussed in the class


✅Downloadable transcript and slides that you can keep forever!

• • • • •


Proven, actionable strategies: all for just $47!


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There Is No Lion - On Demand
$47.00 USD


So what's all this about lions?


I'm sure you've heard of apex predators: animals at the top of the food chain in a particular ecosystem with no predators of their own (besides humans with weapons). Apex predators include wolves, jaguars, eagles, crocodiles, orcas, bears and yes, lions.


(FYI, mosquitos are actually the deadliest predator in the world, estimated to cause between 750,000 and one million human deaths per year.)


Humans have evolved to live in groups and societies as protection against the elements and against predators. We have survived and thrived because of our communities. We're what's called "social animals." We live in herds like gazelles or packs like wolves or colonies like ants or termites!


But separate a human from their community (like, say, putting a human on a stage in front of 100 people), and now the primitive part of their brain feels unsafe. 


Other humans can judge you and ostracize you! And if you're ostracized or left on your own, now the lion can see you. And eat you!


Of course, this is not going to happen. But the old, ancient part of your brain doesn't know that.


In this class, I'm going to go more in depth about the biological, chemical and psychological aspects of stage fright and public speaking nerves. 


But the first thing to know is this: There is no lion.